Set Up and Use Online Bill Pay
Set Up and Use Online Bill Pay
The ease of online bill pay and its many conveniences is why a majority of our customers have made the switch to Online and Mobile Banking from First County Bank.
Here’s how you set up bill pay:
Go to our homepage. Go to My Account and click on Online Banking. Login to your account.
Go to pay my bills at the top and click on it. You can choose to add a company or a person as a payee.
For a company, you can choose from any of these different categories. We’re going to choose utilities. You’ll see that there are already several companies that are established in the system.
Find the company that you want to pay, or you can search our network for another company or person.
To pay one of the providers, which in this case is Eversource, click on the provider, enter your account number, confirm your account number, provide an optional nickname, enter your ZIP code and then click on add.
To pay a person, you would complete the form, entering in their contact information, and again click on add. Once you register the company or person, they would be listed in the payment center. You can now select the payee, choose the correct account from which to pay, enter the amount, select a delivery date that the payment must be received on and click on Send Money. You can add a memo and then click on Submit Payment.
By clicking on Activity you can track the payments that you have issued.
It’s just that easy!
First County Bank
It’s where you belong.
If you have questions about Online Bill Pay, including how to get started, visit one of our branches to speak with a Digital Ambassador.