How to Pay Your Bills Through Online Banking

For some, there is a ritual to sitting down each month, with checkbook in hand, to pay all the bills that have come in the mail.
But, with the rise of “porch pirates” and thefts from mailboxes, did you know there is also a very real risk of identity theft associated with the traditional way of paying bills?
For this reason, many of our customers have started to switch to paying their bills through Online and Mobile Banking from First County Bank. Once you login, you can pay almost anyone in the United States without breaking out the checkbook. Each time you send out a payment, the system keeps track of the contact information, effectively building a database of the people you pay regularly so you don’t have to enter it every time.
To make paying your bills even easier, you can use Online Bill Pay to schedule payments that occur regularly (e.g. your daycare provider). Some larger companies, like local utility providers, will even allow you to receive and pay your bills directly through Online or Mobile Banking.
You can also use Online Banking and Bill Pay to keep track of the bills you’ve paid – just log in to see what payments have gone out, what has been scheduled and what is due. No checkbook register required.
If you have questions about Online Bill Pay, including how to get started, visit one of our branches to speak with a Digital Ambassador.