How to Protect Yourself and Your Mobile Device

Your phone is your camera, calendar, clock, and the way you stay connected to your friends, your colleagues and basically the whole world – which is why it’s important to keep mobile security in mind.
Between photos, texts, emails, and especially your banking details – you have information on your phone (or tablet) that you want to keep private. Here are a few ways to ensure your data is secure.
Keep software up to date
Updates usually have security patches that make it harder for hackers to access your data.
Use a secure passcode
A passcode on the lock screen is the first line of defense if your phone or tablet gets lost or stolen. Just make sure it’s something unique and not easily guessable, like 1, 2, 3, 4.
Use Touch ID or Face ID
If your device has the capability, enable Touch ID or Face ID for an extra layer of security.
Only use secure Wi-Fi
Free or public Wi-Fi can be tempting, but if the Wi-Fi is not encrypted, hackers may be able to access your data, and therefore obtain sensitive information. You should also be wary of plugging into publicly available charging jacks.
Know how to locate it and lock it
Most mobile devices have the capability to be located, locked and even wiped if lost or stolen with services such as Find My iPhone or Find My Device. Make sure you know how to access this feature BEFORE you need it.