Phishing – Don’t Take the Bait

Phishing is when you receive emails, texts, or calls that seem to be from legitimate companies or people you
know but are actually from fraudsters that want to trick you into clicking on a link, giving out your personal
information or authorizing access to your computer in order to perpetrate online fraud.

Protect Yourself

  • Keep your computer security up to date and back up your data often.
  • Use a multi-factor authentication (a second step) to verify who you are, for accounts that support it.
  • Change any compromised passwords right away and don’t use them for any other accounts.
  • Lock down your browser with pop-up and phishing blockers.
  • Download reliable antivirus protection software.

Avoid the Hook

  • Look up the website or phone number for the company or person who’s contacting you.
  • Call the company or person directly using contact information you know to be correct.
  • Tell legitimate companies and people about the message you received

Look for Tip Off Scams

  • You don’t have an account with company.
  • The communication has grammar and/or spelling errors.
  • The person asks for personal information, such as a social security number or passwords.

Report Phishing

  • Forward phishing emails to and
  • Report it to the FTC.

If you have any questions please call our Customer First Contact Center at (203) 462-4400 (Mon – Fri 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

For more fraud prevention information visit our eFraud Prevention tool.

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