WEBE108 First County Bank Coat Drive
The Webe108 First County Bank coat drive was a huge success! We received about 300 coats during the 2 week donation period, which were all provided to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. But, that’s not where our support ended. The week before Thanksgiving our team was onsite at the Bridgeport Arena lending a hand. One group assisted as personal shoppers, helping those in need pick out warm winter coats for themselves and their family, while another group handed out turkeys and all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal.
In just under three hours we were able to help over 225 families pick out a warm winter coat and pick up food to make a home cooked meal, in time for Thanksgiving.
We want to give thanks to all those who contributed to our coat drive, and to Webe108 and the Bridgeport Rescue Mission for including us in this great day of giving back.